Hola nueostros familias!!!
Today we got up bright and early (again) and drove to Volcano Masaya. First we looked around the museum then drove up to see the caves. The caves were really cool. They used to be used for rituals before humans were sacrificed to the volcano.* The caves were home to lots of bats who were probably not so happy we disturbed them. We then hiked up to the Santiago crater. From the highest point you have a beautiful view of Laguna Masaya and the volcano Masaya. Some people (Including Julie who didn’t come in the caves) took the trail all the way around the crater. Steven and Saskia decided to run around the whole thing after the caves, which was very impressive.
When we came back from the volcano we had a little Siesta.** We then had a little group time and a Spanish lesson before we went back to our host families for dinner.
After dinner people had the choice to go to a bar and grill to sit and have a drink, or to go to a concert. The majority of us went to the rock concert. On the way we turned the bus into the party bus with strobe lights in different colours and we blared the music. On the way home the only way to be allowed off the bus was to dance your way up the aisle. It was lots of fun.
Hasta Luego
-Blogged by Jenn-
*The Nicaraguans used to believe that the sacrifice of virgin children would keep the Volcano god happy and so then the volcanoes would not erupt. It was considered a great honour to the be family who’s child or young daughter or son was chosen to be scarified. There was big ceremonies in the caves where the ones to be sacrificed were dressed up and all had a big feast before they were thrown in.
**Which is blog posting time!
Another day, another sunburn … Well technically not another sunburn, the sunburn on my neck has gotten worse. Today, we went to the Volcano Masaya, and while other people were busy touring the caves, I was busy hiking a trail that went around the rim of Volcano Masaya. I was the only one from the TCOW group, who actually went, but there were two other people that came along anyways, and they were from the other group. There was a boy and an older woman who was an avid hiker and mountain climber.
The whole trip around was suppose to take between 45 min and an hour, but I think we did it closer to 40 minutes because the women from Ottawa who’s tagging along with the other group hiked at a fast pace!
I’ll be perfectly honest with you and the fact that yes, it was a difficult hike. Volcano Masaya has a few difficult “peaks” around the edge and many of them are steep and the path isn’t clear, of if it is clear the path is filled with sharp rocks. I picked up a tiny red rock from one of the highest tips on the Volcano and I can’t wait to show people back home! The climb up to each tip was hard. At the pace we were going by the time we reached the top of the tip, your calves might be hurting a bit and you would be breathing a bit harder. However, the view from the tips made up for all the work it took to get up there. You could see for miles around and the bus and the people looked so miniature that you often couldn’t see the people! The wind was strong, extremely strong so high up. I helped to keep you cool and minimize the heat from the sun because there’s simply no shade because the trees are off the path.
It was hard sometimes when you would be climbing down a steep path made up of jagged volcanic rock (definitely not the softest), the wind would be pushing you in the other direction, towards the centre or towards the rocky side.
My adrenaline was always pumping and it helped me power up some of those steep slopes while the wind was tugging at my shirt, my hat, and my sunglasses and the feeling when finally get to the top or walk past the eagles nest and all dozen or so eagles flew out. When you were up there, you just wanted it to last forever and ever because it was THAT breathtaking I just wish you could all experience the same thing so you could know how incredible it is.
-Blogged by Julie –
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