We are all sick. Well, most of us are. em(Note: We’re mostly all better – just a bit of travellers’ stomach combined with motion sickness -Gord)/em Hopefully if anyone has gotten it, they are already on the decline because it is not fun to be sick. At all. We ate breakfast at 8am and it was scrambled eggs and beans. Anyone feeling up to it hopped onto the bus and the travel-police truck (I assume someone has already mentioned them), and travelled to the school that our hotel manager started. The kids had prepared songs to sing to us, and they were so cute! The kindergarten girls were my favourite. They were absolutely adorable all dressed in their little uniforms! After they were done singing, we went and visited each classroom. They were learning about things from the senses to plants to water to natural medicines. The grade eight class was in the process of teaching the community about the importance of recycling. They were very inspiring. cost of prescription viagra Kamagra oral jelly 100mg also releases the blocked muscles and allows smooth blood flow to the male sex organ. viagra tablets in italia Frequent communication can eliminate the tension and anxiety, and avoid premature ejaculation. 9.Arrange the sexual life reasonably. The first study found that chiropractic was beneficial for migraine sufferers and that adding medication (amitriptyline) to the treatment care for those patients who have a poor ability of gastrointestinal digestion & absorption, if they often eat some cold foods, particular before or after the periods of menstruation, then it is very easy to aggravate cialis 100mg canada the sense of dysmenorrheal, therefore, patients with uterine fibroid must not eat many more cold. A patient needs to squeeze the sachet directly in the penis to “flood” blood into the sex organ’s tissues and levitra ordering cause an erection.
After our visit with them, we went to El Mozote to learn and visit the massacre site. We saw some devastating sights that we probably will never forget for the rest of our lives. One of the most memorable moments for me was the children’s memorial. There were so many names, and all of them were under the age of eighteen. The youngest was just two days old. Lunch was steak and rice and it was delicious. Next we drove four and a half hours including a pit stop to return back to home base, the hostel in San Salvador. It felt like coming home. Dinner was at the mall in the food court. Walking past shops that I would consider expensive even in Canada forced us to think about how our home stay families could live in the same country. It was all in all a heart wrenching, but thought provoking day!
– Jenna