The Lord has caused His wonders to be remembered! Psalm 111:4
We welcome you to our daily blog and the chance to share with you all the wonders we are experiencing and remembering. First of all I want to say how great these young people are .. their energy, insight, compassion and fun. Then I want to say how well we are being hosted by Compañeros and it´s leaders: Gonzalo, Mayte, Marta, y Delena. They are skilled and caring shepherds. Our days are well planned with great effort made to check in with us, to hear how we are doing, to insure our safety and to give us a true Nicaraguan experience. As I type this, the group is gathering at our headquarters at “Casa Blanca”, to plan & practise our personal and group introductions to the people of Barrio Grenada, to continue our conversational Spanish lessons, to reflect on our experience so far,and to take the temperature of people´s feelings as together we seek to be sensitive to one another´s needs. The changes, the heat, being able to sleep, and mild cases of home sickness have posed the only challenges so far. But everyone enthusiastically reports their gratitude for being here and their appreciation for the generosity, hospitality and comfort provided by their home stay families.
I am personally indebted to Sarah for the hours of preparation she has invested in the details of our travel and arrival and for her technical savvy in preparing this website. Her humour and enthusiasm have definitely upped the tempo of our time and made events more fun. John and Graham are a solid presence, especially for our boys. I know that their support will only grow in significance as the days advance. And Vanessa is so much more than our videographer. She is a full participant and a valued leader.
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Please enjoy the daily reflections to follow. They are being written by our youth, two of which will take their turn each day. In the meantime, your prayers continue to support and sustain us. “Nothing can truly separate us in God´s love.” That is an amazing wonder to be remembered.
With greetings and blessings from all of us, Elizabeth