As I am writing this we are all currently on the plane ride back to Canada from the most incredible experience of our lives. Looking out of the airplane window the sky is ablaze with the most beautiful sunset all of us have ever seen. The sky is filled with a blood red surrounded by hues of yellow and orange, a work of art that could have only been created by God. It is the same sun setting as Colombia, Canada, and the rest of the world. Over the past 11 days we have immersed ourselves in the beauty and love of this planet which became so incredibly apparent to us over this trip. From the beautiful scenery we saw to the incredible people we met God was everywhere in Brisas. I know for a fact that God was also with all of our TCOW family. From our family in Brisas, especially Pastor Miguel, always full of cheer and a kind word to say, to Elizabeth, who is such a lovely, amazing, and caring lady. I know we would also like to give a huge thank you for all of those who are on the TCOW committee as well as all of our church families who have supported us every step of the way. We have all made such deep connections with each other over our week here and have created a bond like no other. We left Canada thinking we were going to help the people in Brisas, but I think all of us can agree that the people there helped us more. As Maggie said, “God gave us a time to dance and now that time is over, but my heart will forever keep on dancing.”
Tes Quiero Muchos Todos
